Is Your Commercial Insurance Keeping Up With Your Business?

The first few years of a new business can be frustrating and rewarding. We’ve all heard about the challenges of keeping a new business afloat for the first five years.

If you own a business in the Kingwood, WV, area or elsewhere in the state, Smith Insurance Agency of West Virginia salutes you. You have battled your way to business establishment and have achieved some success.

At some point, your attention should turn to ensuring your insurance company keeps pace with your business.

Have you purchased additional equipment or inventory?

You may be at greater risk today than when you started your business. You may have more equipment, electronics, furniture, and inventory. Make sure you have sufficient coverage.

Are you covered adequately for injury-related liability claims?

An oversight, slip and fall, or employee mistake can lead to an expensive liability claim. Liability insurance will not only cover any financial judgment or settlement but also help with the associated legal expenses.

Have you added company vehicles?

If you have even added a single company vehicle, it can impact your business insurance coverage. Even when using personal cars for business purposes, it can place you at risk.

Did you purchase real property?

Many businesses start by renting their space and eventually purchase real estate as they mature. If this includes your business, make sure your commercial policy keeps pace.

Contact us for a review and price quote.

If you have yet to acquire business insurance or are looking to ensure it is kept up, contact us. Smith Insurance Agency of West Virginia serves businesses in the Kingwood, WV, area. We will be happy to provide a no-obligation review and a price quote. Contact us to ensure your business insurance is kept up today.