Why You Should Check Auto Insurance Rates Annually

One frequent question at the Smith Insurance Agency of Kingwood, WV, is how often drivers should check on auto insurance rates. How frequently is too often, and when is it not enough?

Many will seek out auto insurance quotes if they have recently had a bad experience with a provider or experienced a rate increase. Each of these situations is understandable. However, even if you are relatively satisfied, getting a car insurance quote every year or so can be beneficial. Here is why.

Rates Change

Insurance companies routinely alter rates. You may be able to find a more attractive rate this year.

Driving Records Change

You may have violations, citations, or even points expiring from your driving record. Comparing your rates can positively impact your rate.

Companies May Temporarily Lower Rates

Some car insurance rates may be temporarily lowered to attract new policyholders. You may fall into a desired group for a provider and be eligible for a lower rate.

You May Qualify For Discounts

You could now be eligible for discounts that weren’t previously available. You might qualify for a safe-driving discount, a good student discount, a discount for bundling, or more. Checking occasionally may end up benefiting you through lower premiums.

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Simply put, you won’t know if lower rates are available unless you check each year.

Checking Rates is Easy

Comparing car insurance rates is easier than you might think. Not only is it simple to check rates, but changing providers is also straightforward. We can help you get a quote from Smith Insurance Agency of West Virginia.

Stay on Top of Car Insurance Rates with Smith Insurance Agency

If you live in the Kingwood, WV area, we invite you to contact us at the Smith Insurance Agency of West Virginia for your no-cost, no-obligation auto insurance quote today. We may even be able to assist you in upgrading your coverage. Reach out to us, answer a few questions, and get started today.